Adieu 2020

Adieu 2020

Hello and Goodbye! Kind of how this year felt! wouldn’t you agree?

Adieu 2020, a very polite way of saying GOOD BYE – for Good!

2020 has been a year with so many twists and twirls, that I feel like a twirling dervish!

twirling dervish
Whirling dervish painting Painting by Sadia Butt

I do wish the year would have been different for most of us! I am grateful for knowing a handful of people who had a decent, even good year.
However, most people have reached rock bottom or are on their way sliding down!

What is the ONE thing that I have learned in 2020? What is the one thing that has got me through 2020, despite numerous setbacks?


Mindset is the only thing that will see you through the highest of highs and the lowers of lows.

It keeps you going, it gives you breathing space in a crisis, and it gets you through the year – one day at a time, one step in front of the other.

I found in this year, it was my mind, my thoughts that pulled me through, that gave me hope for a better tomorrow.
THIS has kept me going!

How did I work on my mindset in 2020?

Prayers, Angels, Meditation, Family, super-close friends, and some inspirational content and learning a new craft (crochet) – each has had a positive effect on my mind.

Do you have any strategies for managing your mindset? Please share those with me in the comments. I am always looking for tools to help us all LIVE our BEST Lives!

This blog post is part of SpeakEasy Blogging Challenge by Dipika and Ruchi.

13 comments found

  1. That’s so true, Ishieta! I read somewhere, “Happiness is a condition of mind, and not a result of the circumstances”.
    Well, I used to meditate on and off before 2020, but this year my sanity demanded regular meditations. My husband and I took up a meditation course by Sadhguru and it helped us keep calm during difficult times.

  2. 2020 has definitely been very hard for many that I know and their mindset and will power have kept them going. A spinning dervish is exactly what this year feels like and hopefully expecting a better tomorrow in the coming new year.

  3. yes this year was hard on all of us and like you I had tried all possible creative ways to keep myself enganged and busy . and surly these things has helped me to keep a postive state of mind and reducing in pandemic anxiety,

  4. 2020 was the year we will remember for the change. The pandemic has brought in changes that would take our notice after long time. We would say 2020 has set the priorities in right manner which were shuffled before.

  5. As someone who has been working on changing my mindset about health and lifestyle over the last few years, I couldn’t agree more. A shift in it can change things around for us!

  6. Mindset plays a significant role. I have had phases in this year where everything goes catapult and my mind freezes, then I try to work around it pull my socks and things feel good. Things have come to me in bundles this year some good some bad.

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