#Review – The 5 Second Rule #MyFriendAlexa

#Review – The 5 Second Rule #MyFriendAlexa

Welcome to my blog of Dreams and participation in #MyFriendAlexa – all this month!

Let’s jump right into it ….


5-4-3-2-1 ….. Give me Five & watch me change my life …. one 5-seconds at a time!!!

One of my favorite people from the virtual/Online world is Mel Robbins. I love her no-nonsense approach to, well everything! She has lived a life with ups and downs, worked in varied fields and understands hitting rock bottom!

And then she discovered, the 5-second rule – It has revolutionalized her own life, and now of millions of people who have learned about this rule through her book and videos.

In a Nutshell: 

1. It only takes 5 seconds to change your life!

2. The 5-Second Rule

“The moment you have an instinct to act on a goal, you much count 5-4-3-2-1, and physically move or your brain will stop you.

This method allows you to eliminate your brains expert ability in coming up with an excuse which stops (pauses) you from acting instantly.

3. It is a great starting ritual (especially if like me, you are challenging many different aspects of your life and yourself at the same time (NOW) and are determined to be victorious :))

4. This ‘rule’ doesn’t depend on motivation to be effective!

5. The small actions all stack up, and suddenly I have a day filled with many actions, all progressive & moving me forward.


How to Use the 5-Second Rule by Mel Robbins – 


– Count backward from five, 5-4-3-2-1. By counting, you stop focusing on the excuses and focus on the goal. (basically, you thought of an action, and before your mind could come up with an excuse to not do it, you have already busied your brain in this countdown).

– The second you reach 1, you take action, you basically physically move, and get started.


“The difference between people who make their dreams come true and those of us who don’t is just one thing : The Courage to start and the Discipline to keep going” – Mel Robbins


Voila! Results!!!

5-4-3-2-1 ..... Give me Five & watch me change my life .... one 5-seconds at a time!!! #MyFriendAlexa #icdreams #5secondrule #melrobbins Share on X

Pick up your own kindle copy on amazon.in here or hard copy here.



“I am taking my Alexa rank to the next level with Blogchatter”

13 comments found

  1. This seems to be custom written for me! If a 5 second rule is going to help me do my things timely, I am surely going to practice it! 😀

  2. The theme of the 5second rule sounds motivating and brings positivity in life. Indeed a must read for mental wellness

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