UN KILO #ZombieBlogHop #ICDreams

UN KILO #ZombieBlogHop #ICDreams

Welcome June!

Six months into 2019, I wish I could UN KILO some of the weight I have picked up this year – Literally and Figuratively!

As I flip through my Bullet Journal and see my colourful (chaotic) spreads for my Goals and Wishes … I wish I could go back in time and:

  • Make THAT Tracker smaller! I mean there are only so many grams in that KILO I am going to lose every month! Right?
  • UN KILO the weight I have put on – one moment I am losing grams, the next I am slurping on some ice-cream and google-ing recipes for brownie-in-a-cup ~ The Lite Version!

hot chocolate fundge ice  cream icdreams
  • UN KILO some of the low spirals I pushed myself into by over-thinking, over-worrying about certain things!
  • UN KILO by choosing better  working hours! Currently I work round the clock without a set schedule, and this has detrimentally impacted my sleep – the cycle and the hours…and subsequently my health 🙁
  • And finally, UN KILO by un-doing certain decisions and un-meeting certain people!

I wish I could go back in time and relive these wonderful moments :

  • Amazing coffee at Sibang Bakery with my soul-friend Shinjini – I met her after such a long time and the entire afternoon was like being engulfed in a big warm hug!
coffee and friends icdreams
  • Offshoot of this afternoon, we ended up, where else, but at an Art-and-stationary store — I got these gorgeous Unicorn Stickers (I love everything Unicorn!) and these water color pencils — so much fun! The Shopping and playing with them.
art and stickers icdreams
  • A mid-night impromptu giving into my love for the quintessential Hot Chocolate Fudge! (The photo above doesn’t do justice to those moments of pure bliss!)
  • I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried out a new restaurant with a different cuisine…Curiosity pays off sometimes… Great ambience and food!
food and ambience icdreams
  • cherish this quirk in my nature : The Healthy with the Indulgence – I equally enjoyed both!

healthy food and indulgence icdreams

  • Finally, my Bujo mess!!!! I wish I was better at it…. And I will be, Someday 😊
flowers and paint icdreams
bujo mess icdreams

How have  your 6 months been? What do you wish you could just un kilo?

Thank you Shilpa from http://shilpagupte.com for the tag! And It’s my pleasure to pass on this tag to  Nikita from https://www.strokesofpen.com/.

There are 24 of us on this Blog Hop, lovingly called the #ZombieBlogHop, and it will be spread over 3 days – 17, 18, 19 June 2019. The bloggers will add their links to the linky too. Do follow the #ZombieBlogHop and prepare to be surprised.

In Gratitude,

27 comments found

  1. We need to plan our next coffee meet. Can’t let such a long time go by in between, crazy schedule or not! 😉 What did you color with your new color pencils? You know I want to see, right? And try the tip I told you for the watercolour in your BluJo. It should work better. xx

  2. Stop berating yourself. You’re doing fine from what I see. Kilos are added experiences to your life and make you all the richer for it. In my opinion, a skinny woman is unhappy and it shows. Be happy with your own body shape….and forget the kilos. They will automatically go when they have to.

  3. Cannot believe June will be over soon. 6 months flew by so quickly! I also use a planner and like to use coloured pens. I also wish the to do list was smaller and I could un kilo some weight too.

  4. I have to confess I couldn’t fathom the post beyond the photos of the dishes and the colours. Bujo ka mess? Kahan? I see it as beautiful. Un Kilo…it is a fight which can be seldom won.

  5. The word ‘un kilo’ was cool. I loved reading your posts and the happy moments you lists. Plus the food pics 😉 I think I gained some kilos there.
    Your journal is so arty. Great work there and a sweet peek into your life.

  6. Well, I started my health journey this year. I have successfully lost 12 kgs. Now I am working to tone up my body. The only thing I’d like up un-kilo is any form of negativity affecting me!
    Ps: Join my FB group Health Me Health You if you’re looking for ideas to lose weight 🙂

  7. All those food pictures you shared…. I can feel my tummy grumbling! I too want that pizza and that ice cream and everything else there was in the images above!
    I really don’t wish to UN KILO anything from the past six months..I started looking at life as the one teacher I will need always, coz of all the things I need to work on! 😛 So, all that happens is always good, and happening for a reason. 😀
    I hope I made some sense here, Ishieta…All the food pics you shared made my mind go blank 😀

  8. We all need to Un kilo a bit–not just the weight we carryon our frames, but much more importantly those invisible weights we carry on our shoulders! So jealous of you—I want an afternoon date with friends as well!

  9. Time does really fly and half the year is almost done and dusted. Yes, there are many things to reflect and ponder on. There are those ifs and buts, but looking forward to the next six months and taking life as it comes.

  10. This is such a fun article. I loved reading this. We get one life and we should live every bit of it.

  11. This is an yummy post with so much pictures of food and desserts. Let’s not focus on unkilo and drive ourselves crazy by not letting us gorge on these delicious food. You did two six month reviews and that says you had an amazing year so far. Be yourself and have more fun the rest of the year too. ❤️

  12. I love the name – Un Kilo. Truly an apt match with the feeling here in the post. We all wish to travel back in the past to delete or relive a few things. Happy to know you started with a good note with meeting friends and rest. Good Going

  13. It’s been 6 months of a ‘new’ year already and this article of yours gave me a major to-do list. We all need to ‘un-kilo’ a lot of things in our lives. Thank you for the motivation, you!

  14. Well, you won’t believe, same is the case with me! Whole day I eat low fat yogurt and fruits and then I eat a big bowl of junk at midnight! I too wish to unkilo! :'(

  15. losing some kilos were in my New year resolutions this year (like every year) but since I am done with the other resolutions, I am focusing on weight loss for the rest of 6 months. Glad to know about your Blog hop, will catch more posts soon

  16. Don’t bother so much about the Kilos and enjoy your meals and cravings. Just make sure to walk a few kilometers daily and you shall be fit and fine always.

    Utpal Khot

  17. That pizza looks yummy. I wanted to see your pretty photo also. Meeting Shinjini is awesome. And not to forget to compliment on your bullet journaling. I can’t even do that. Wish you luck in the following years.

  18. ‘Unkilo’—simply loved the term. Short and to the point. Just my goal in life too! But, now I’ve come to realise that I got to live with weight issues. So, now, I just go with the flow and eat without any sense of guilt. Life is too short for such things, you know! Loved your Bujo, Ishieta and I must say the food photos were totally drool-worthy! And, on that note, I wish the rest of 2019 brings you many more things to enjoy and cherish in life!

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