Jalebi #writebravely #icdreams

Jalebi #writebravely #icdreams

Welcome to I C Dreams!

Day 1 of the #writebravely Festival.

Prompt: You’d never believe me if I told you that I _____________, but it’s true and I can prove it.


The other day, we had a long conversation in our group, and you all wanted to know the SECRET behind my change! A close friend even complimented me about my ‘NEW SPIRIT’, I almost felt like she was commenting on the ‘new aatma’ which had come into me!


jalebi icdreams
Some may recall the hilarious furor over this ONE Jalebi! Yep! I had just this one.



You’d never believe me if I told you that I changed ‘spirits’ because of Vinay!, but it’s true and I can prove it.

Way back in December of 2017, by some divine intervention, Vinay and I struck up a conversation about Health and Weight!

I was completely lost and low! I had had two completely unexpected injuries on the same knee in 2017, which had thrown off my weight loss plans as well as was causing regular pain and anxiety! I feared that I would never be able to run again or just even enjoy a long walk.

Vinay in his quintessential style of berating with humor began to talk to me about  –

(P.S. – Proof in the facts, details and results!)


  •  – The Benefits of walking – regularly!
  •  – He shared his own challenges and even screenshots of his app to show me – every day is different! Some are good and some are bad – ALL are OKAY!
  •  – Introduced me to apps and groups with monthly goals (& then checked-in on me if I slipped up! which I did, aplenty)
  •  – Talked me out of my fear of the 10,000 steps a day!
  •  – Got me started to embrace walks again


Vinay and I live miles apart, and yet, thanks to messages and the app -we were connected and had conversations!

If you know me, then you know, I ask a gazillion questions 🙂 and Vinay patiently (if you know him, then you know what I mean 😉 ) answered them by giving me information and gyaan!

6 months later, I am able to walk regularly, a 10k a day is not an impossible idea (though I am still working towards reaching this place on a daily basis), I have begun jogging and running again (a minute here, a minute there – Stacking it back up!), and finally got my own fitness band too (yep! the same one as Vinay 🙂 )


Thank you Vinay for your guidance and friendship 🙂 and wisdom (hic!)

If you would like to know who Vinay is – check out his blog – www.artofleo.com & find him on twitter @ArtofLeo

Dear Reader – I Hope I have ‘proved’ how Vinay helped me ‘change my spirit’ – If you agree, do leave me a comment below!

Vinay disagrees with me, but let’s get a majority vote (in the comment section below) to show him that I am right, and he played a role and hence must accept my Thanks! 🙂





This post is written for Day 1 of The Write Tribe Festival of Words June 2018. 


Write Tribe


Update : JUNE 2021

LIFE has become a JALEBI lately! LOL! It has been difficult to stay on track on most things, health – exercise-and stepping outside being the most pertinent!
Now that things are opening up in my area, I want to recommit to myself to begin with DAILY WALKS again! Find an accountability partner and get back into this frame of mind where 10k steps becomes a part of my day!
Currently, working from home, even 2k steps is a fairly active day! (sigh! I know! Please don’t judge me 🙁 ).

How are you keeping your health and fitness on track these days? Between the Heat and the Lockdown – what is that magical formula? Do tell 🙂

18 comments found

  1. I need someone like this in my life. You all are talking about 10000 steps and i find 5000 steps a huge achievement… One that I can almost never replicate for two consecutive days.

    1. Thanks for dropping in Roshan 🙂
      Let’s connect and I could ‘inspire’ you 🙂
      inspire = berate, banter, beat the sweat out of you!
      You could also ping V! 😉

  2. That’s so nice Ishe, I also need such motivation in life. The doctor recently diagnosed and termed me as hypertensive. Weight loss and some yoga have been advised. Motivation is something that I am missing big time.

  3. Yes being physically active and regular exercise need extra push and motivation sometimes. you are lucky that Vinay has inspired to be on track and maintain your weight loss journey smoothly.

  4. Great! Everyone who looks for some motivation to keep their health on track, may God bless them a friend like Vinay. See how mere words of motivation works like wonder, what if we become to play the role of Vinay for ourselves? I am sure Life will become magnificent.

  5. Oh ! I really need motivation like this, I always think to start walking at least 5k steps, 10k is far ahead for me. You really motivated me!!

  6. Walking 10 k steps is a part of our lifestyle now, But weekends are a little last with long video calls or finishing ending tasks it seems difficult but your post is a motivation !

  7. With life restricted to house for almost 2 years now finding motivation to do something good for me is like a distant dream. I found your post to be quite motivating I hope I can also motivate myself.

  8. I agree you need someone in your life who can pick you little harder. Self motivation is must Buy there are times when you get stuck and then you need an accountability partner. Glad you could make it . During pandemic mental and physical health care has become all the more important.

  9. You had the right motivation and push to bring the change in ur life. My husband too pushes me to go for walks as ij the 2nd wave, I had weight gain and needed to get into action again. Now I am inspired and motivated to get back to walking anf being fit again .

  10. I achieved 10 k steps a day an year back but something kept happening and now it’s not even 2k steps a day. I am definitely motivated but still have few weeks of recovering from an injury. Hope I start soon 🙂

  11. I need this kind of motivation in my life. Moving my butt for a small walk has become like huge task nowadays 😀 😀 .. I feel inspired and start with walking again, atleast 3-4k steps in a day

  12. 10k steps is next to impossible for me. Glad that Vinay has motivated you in achieving this goal.

  13. Ishita, I am on same side , not able to complete even 10K , on conscious effort I reach 5K then nothing. We all need motivation, let’s all make a group for just this purpose and achieve the target, and keep Varsha Bagadia and Vinay as motivators.

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