2019 Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge w/ Everyday Gyaan

2019 Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge w/ Everyday Gyaan

Hello Hello!

2018 has been quite a roller coaster… more on this in another post!

Let’s talk about the NEW YEAR … 2019 ….. and my favorite LOVE ….. BOOKS!

In 2018, I had set a goal to read 24 books, alas, I shall close the year at 14 books – 10 books short!

One never to give up, I am jumping onto the  2019 Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge hosted by Corinne over at EverydayGyaan.com.


2019 Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge

Come Join me as I OUTDO MYSELF in 2019! Sign up Here.

The Levels in this Challenge are –

Getting My Heart Rate Up: read 1–5 more books (or 250–1,499 more pages) — My Goal is to reach this Level in 2019, i.e. 24 books goal of 2018 + 1-5 more books!
{p.s. I am hoping that as the year will roll along, I will be able to UP my Level in this challenge 🙂 }

Out of Breath: read 6–10 more books (or 1,500–2,749 more pages)
Breaking a Sweat: read 11–15 more books (or 2,750–3,999 more pages)
I’m on Fire!: read 16+ more books (or 4,000+ more pages)


Join me on Goodreads as I track my progress & come see what I am reading in 2019  – I have a dedicated shelf for the 2019 Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge here.

I am looking for some good suggestions in both Fiction & Non-Fiction, so do leave me a recommendation below 🙂


Happy Reading Folks! Happy 2019!



21 comments found

  1. What a wonderful challenge this is. Breaking a sweat, means 11-15 more books, whoa!! That sounds like a big one . All the best and keep us updated how this challenge is working for you.

  2. Have always been passionate about books and used to read voraciously. But with the pressures of work, reading has come down now. I think it is a good idea to challenge oneself though, maybe will take a cue from you here.

  3. I always do the Goodreads challenge and this year I surpassed my goal of 20 by reading 21 books 🙂 In 2019, I’m hoping to read 25 books. Good luck to you and I hope you reach your reading goal!

  4. This challenge seems good. Reading is good. I read around 96 books this year and I am 4 books short of 100 I know that feeling though that wasn’t my primary goal. My primary goal was to complete the Brunch Book Challenge which was 60 books this year.

  5. What a challenge! I have never been on reading side but there is friend of mine who takes up similar challenges when it comes to reading. She absolutely loves it. Well then,best of luck for the coming year and the challenge!

  6. This challenge is so cool. I read 32 books this year and I have a new goal of reading 50 books till the end of 2019. I will definitely be going to challenge my best friend as she loves reading too.

  7. Wishing.. that looks like quite a lot if reading.. all the best for your challenge.. wish I could join in bit it’s been long since I read much except a few books a year.

  8. I have been planning this for so long but work does not allow me the time to read more. Let me know how this challenge worked for you.

  9. Out do yourself on reading challenge sounds great. I love reading but not getting much time to read lately. Will check few new books soon.

  10. That’s a wonderful challenge for reading books. Reading books is seriously not my cup of tea. But hope you enjoy reading them.

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