#LondonConfidential – A conspiracy, a traitor, or a political game?  Movie Review

#LondonConfidential – A conspiracy, a traitor, or a political game? Movie Review

Hola Dreamers!

I just renewed my annual subscription with ZEE5 this weekend as the latest Spy Thriller #LondonConfidential just released on the OTT platform.

I had watched the trailer online, and found it to be quite intriguing! And, I absolutely had to watch it!

To be honest: The movie has kept its promise and delivered on the mystery of #TheTraitorWithin.

My Complaint: I wish the movie was longer! It’s a fast-paced movie of only a little over an hour, but I wish there were more backstories shared of the actors (perhaps, there will be a part 2?)

Something Interesting: This movie has been shot entirely during the pandemic and has woven the fears and theories we have into the storyline.

Source:: ZEE5.com

The Movie Plot:

LondonConfidential is a Hindi Spy Thriller ZEE5 original film.

The movie is set in London, where an Indian undercover Intelligence officer has managed to find a Chinese source who will reveal the latest (biological) warfare that China is planning.

As the players start dying off, the Indian RAW officers are in a race again time to find the source, stop another threat from being unleashed on the world, and finding out who is #TheTraitorWithin their ranks.

The movie has been directed by Kanwal Sethi, who has done a fine job of taking a controversial topic and telling the story of a traitor who conspires to win a political game!

The Actors:

The movie has a cast that has come together to create a very believable movie.

It stars Mouni Roy, Purab Kohli, and Kulraj Randhawa in the lead roles. The supporting cast is quite alright too, but it is these three actors who carry the suspense and keep you engaged.

As the undercover RAW agent in charge and the BOSS: Uma, Mouni Roy was absolutely delightful to watch.

I loved her character and the simple promise to a friend gone: “I will never give up”.

I had, honestly, quite underestimated her acting prowess, while she has performed seamlessly and powerfully.

Purab Kohli is a strong actor, and has never left a role underperformed. 
As Arjun, he is the kind of sidekick you would definitely want on your team!

I believe both Mouni and Purab deserve many more roles to perform and showcase their craft. I, for one, would love to watch more from these two.

Kulraj Randhawa is in one word, amazing!

As the Indian Ambassador, she is effortless in her power and political prowess.

My Review:

london confidential purab kohli icdreams
Source: ZEE5.com

The movie opens with setting up the characters and the roles they play.

The movie has a very different feel to it, visually.
It is not a bright setting, but one where the emotions of the scene seem to seep into the colors on your screen! The mood this sets is quite a different experience from the usual Thrillers you may have seen.

The movie is a quick watch, it keeps you interested and glued.

It is a snippet of London that we do not often get to see in movies – the everyday side of it, the streets and regular jobs and real lives and their problems. 

This is definitely worth a watch!  For the following reasons:

1. The conspiracy

2. The actors

3. Every day London

4. What can still happen (Thank you Indian forces for continuing to protect us – from wars that we do not even know are being fought).

My Opinion:

For people who like conspiracy theories, this is a light look at the murky world of layered political relationships and the fallacy of the humankind.

The heart overrules common sense – always! And Ambition? Can rule out a nation!

The movie taps into the current fears about the true intentions of the Chinese nation, and the origins of the current pandemic which has swept across the whole world.

This movie is a cautionary tale, an interesting view of a future that could well be playing out in the unnamed streets of some town (The closing scenes really bring this point home!)

A spy thriller, it looks at the dark side

London Confidential Movie Review ICDREAMS
Source: ZEE5.com

Check out the movie : https://www.zee5.com/movies/details/london-confidential/0-0-227385

My Favorite Part of the movie #LondonConfidential:

Strong, Intelligent, and Smart women characters! FOUR of them, no less! Each plays a different role, different skillsets, showcased so naturally, that you see the cohesiveness of these characters in the story. I am quite happy to see women characters at the forefront of a movie.
(A ZEE5 series that I enjoyed also stars four women! Check my review of Churails here).

What I am still wondering about?

I wonder what their backstories are? I want to know what happened in Istanbul! Was it another #LondonConfidential or did they find #TheTraitorWithin? 

Have you seen this movie yet? What did you think? Why do you think Anjali did that (I still cannot figure it out)?

Until next time!

26 comments found

  1. Wao im so intrigued & hooked on to the story beCause you have written such an interesting review. And i see my favourites in the cast; definitely can’t wait to watch this one.

  2. The storyline is really cool! Mouni Roy is a good actress… I am looking forward to watching this movie on the weekends!

  3. My husband has already watched this show while I am yet to watch it. He really liked the show too and askd me to give it a watch. So now on my list is this show for sure.

  4. I love thriller and any thing quick works for me. Would love to watch this as ZEE5 has some good shows and movies. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I really love mystery, crime and thriller genres!
    The title itself including London and Chinese together have me hooked! I got my Zee5 subscription and I’m gonna add this to my watchlist

  6. Fast paced movies are just my thing. Considering that it has good actors and the pandemic embedded in its storyline makes its interesting. Will watch it soon!

  7. London Confidential looks quite interesting movie.. Mouni Roy is a fine actor and I would not want to miss this movie on Zee 5. The plot is interesting and I like fast-paced movies so looks a muss watch for me.

  8. The plot and story look really promising to me and Mouni Roy is always my fav will sure check this during the weekend!!Thanks for sharing this

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